God has created us for relationships with Himself and with each other. He made a companion for Adam the man He created because He said in Genesis 2:18 that it was not good for man to be alone. God made a woman for Adam but since the Fall we all have had a very difficult time being in relationship with each other.
I put together 3 videos that can help you with all of your relationships. In the first video I share how parents can have Help Raising Kids. In this video, I show parents how to develop a much better relationship with their children than they ever thought possible. The second video can help singles to be able to Choose the Right Mate. The person that a single person chooses to marry can have enormous consequences and directly affect the success of a marriage as well as the children that come from the marriage. The last video can help people that Want a Better Marriage to have the best one they can have.
There are many reasons for the problems we all have trying to develop healthy relationships. But there is a root cause for all relationship problems. The root cause is that all of us are not the people God created us to be because of the lies we believe about ourselves. The lies that we believe came from misinterpretations of painful traumatic childhood events. These painful events cause all of us to believe deep down that we are not valuable, not important and not worthy of being loved because of how we were treated as children.
Help Raising Kids?
Help Raising Kids
I’ll go ahead and share an overview of how parents can try to raise children in the best Godly manner. And you know, this is a hard job. It is really a hard job to raise children properly. You know Proverbs says that if you train up a child in the way he should go, when he’s older he won’t depart from it. Well what does that mean? How do we know how do we train up a child? I am going to share with you how you can have a better result with your children. Read More
Choosing the Right Mate?
I’m really excited to talk about choosing the right mate because it is such a key … If you’re a Christian and you want to follow God, you’re going to have to have the right mate. That is critical. You’re going to have to have the right help mate.
I really am blessed because I have a help mate, my wife, and she is such a key to fulfilling my call, to the church that we have and to the ladies ministry. You got to have the right mate. The problem is, if you’re single and you’re looking, how do you find the right mate? Well, you came to the right place because I’m going to help you today. Read More
Want a Better Marriage?
Do you want a better marriage?” My wife and I have been finding a lot of people asking the question, “How can I have a better marriage?” We recognize that marriage is extremely difficult today. The reason is because there’s more stress on marriages than there ever has been.
From our view, marriage is under assault. Just think about it. A husband and wife get married. They work but then they want to have kids. So they both go to work in order to pay the bills. They work all day trying to do have a good result at work, then they come home, and then they try to be available for the kids. By the time they get the kids in bed. What do they have left to give each other? Well, I’ve got to tell you, not much. Married people that are watching this short video, It’s life-changing. I guarantee you will come away with some knowledge you never even thought of. Read More