How to Get More Peace and Joy
Where does inner contentment come from? Well I believe inner contentment comes from the one, and the only one who can provide us peace, and that’s Jesus. He truly gives us peace and a relationship with him is the only way to get the peace that Paul says passes all understanding.
In John 14:27 Jesus said, he was giving his disciples peace of mind. This peace of mind really is a heart peace. It’s a peace that comes as a free gift from Jesus. The world cannot give it, that’s what John 14:7 says. The world cannot give, only Jesus can. Jesus goes on to say, in the same scripture, he gives us a direction here when he says, “Let your heart not be troubled. Let it not be afraid.” Jesus was identifying the major issue regarding peace. The major issue regarding peace is, if I’m afraid, I don’t have peace. We can say that a definition of peace could be the absence of fear. How about that? Definition of peace could be the absence of fear.
How do we end up in a situation with Jesus, how many times did he say that he wanted the disciples not to be afraid? He said “Fear not,” yet they were still afraid. They got out in the water on the boat and what ended up happening, is they were still afraid. They couldn’t control their fears but what we can know is what they later found, was if Jesus was with them, if Jesus was with them in the boat, in the situations, guess what? They had nothing to fear because Jesus gets caught in the storm and Jesus could end up raising the dead. He raised up his friend Lazarath, so there was nothing that they had to be afraid of anymore because they had Jesus with them.
What’s the truth? The truth is, we have Jesus with us and because we have Jesus with us, we can end up having more peace, having more joy. We can realize that having Jesus with us is the key, but once again, as I said in the last segment, once again, we have a problem. The problem is what happens if we can’t trust Jesus? What happens if we don’t know that Jesus is for us? What happens if we have had abusive childhood experiences in which there was emotional abuse, there was physical abuse, or there was sexual abuse or there was neglect? What happens then?
We have a hard time. We end up being more like the disciples and saying, “Hey, I can’t trust. I can’t therefore believe that Jesus, you’re enough to keep me out of fear, or keep me from fear.” We don’t have to be afraid, the bible tells us, but we are afraid. We need to be aware then that fear causes us to live without peace. Where does that fear come from? Well it comes from us, from childhood issues of pain and suffering that were brought on by mom and dad, so we need to be aware of that fact that that will cause us to not trust. Remember I said that, not be able to trust, and if we can’t trust mom or dad then who are we going to to trust? We’re going to trust ourselves. When we trust ourselves, we end up living in fear.
We have a problem then because we’re not going to have that peace so we’re going to live in fear. What is the fear? The fear is I know deep down that I cannot control my life. My life is out of control. I know deep down that I cannot solve all the problems that life hands me. The death of a loved one, the problem with accidents, the problem with health, the problem with money, all the problems. I can’t control them because I am not God. Deep down I know that I am in a position where I am not God and so I’m afraid. I’m afraid and I don’t have answers for how to get out of fear because I can’t trust the one who can help me when I need it so desperately.
What are we going to do? Well what we’re going to do, is we’re going to have to have new experiences. We’re going to have to find out that not only do we need to pray and ask God to prove to use beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is trustworthy, we’re also going to need to find some people that we can process our fear with. If we are going to go ahead and end up with less and less fear, we’re going to have to have some people that can accept us and approve of us and be with us in our fear. If we can find those people and we can find a structure … That’s one of the things my wife and I discovered was a structure that would help us to be able to process our fears, our doubts, our unbeliefs in a loving, kind way with safe people.
The question is, who’s a safe person? You might be asking that. Well if you’ll give us your email, we’ll send you information about the reality of who is safe and who is not. First of all, let me tell you that a safe person does not fix, does not tell you what to do, so that’s vitally important. You pray that prayer and then you find safe people, and when you do, then you’ll be able to do be, and they can lovingly accept you. Then what will happen is there will be less and less fear. There’ll be more and more trust. When there’s less and less fear, there’ll be more peace. Guess what? There’ll be more joy. Why will there be more joy? Because brain scientists tell us that joy is what our brains run on. Can you believe that? Joy is what our brains run on.
They also tell us that joy comes from someone who’s glad to be with us. Well guess what? If we can’t trust, we’re not wanting to be with people, but God created us for relationships, so we have an issue there. What we need to do is we need to find some safe people that we build a relationship with, and when we do, we’re going to have more joy because people bring us joy when they are safe. People bring us joy when they are safe. What we need is we need to know how to be able to find those people.
We will help you to find those people and to know what to look for when you find those people. It’s not easy but there are people who can be safe, and you can find them. Then you can talk to them about the structure that my wife and I have created that has helped lots and lots of other people. As a matter of fact, if you go to the testimony section of the website, you’ll find testimonies, video testimonies of people that have been helped and we’re excited about that.
You want more peace? You want more joy? The way to get it, is to pray that prayer. That’ll change your life. It changed mine, but also to get in touch with us, give us your email. We’ll go ahead and give you information that will change your life in helping you to learn how to be processing and dealing with and healing those childhood wounds and all that trauma that occurred in childhood. We’ve seen it work for lots of people and it is life changing. We end up with a better relationship with God, a better relationship with others, and a better relationship with ourselves. Imagine that. That’s what the great commandment says, love ourselves, love our neighbor, love God.
Well that’s what this material will help you to do. We’re excited to make it available to you. If you want to email me, for information, you can email me at Our website is still being constructed, so it would be the best thing now to email me at Thank you for allowing me to help you find and help you get to the root cause of why there’s not enough peace or joy in your life. If you want more, we can help you.