Do you have enough money to pay your bills and do things for yourself and for your family that you would like to do? If your answer is no then you will profit from having this audio series because you will get financial wisdom from this teaching. The Bible has many things to say about giving. In all of the statements about giving, it always says when you give you will receive more than you give, The understanding is that you cannot out give God. We need to give from our heart of gratitude and giving money is a way to thank God for all that He has provided for us. The way to be trusted by God in having more money is to be a steward not an owner of your money so that you will not want money for the wrong reason thereby serving Mammon instead of God. We don’t need to worry about having enough money when we realize he feeds the birds. We do need to believe God will take care of us. To view the subjects discussed in this series click here.
5 Audios